Running Powerful i7-6700K / 9700K or AMD Ryzen 3700X / 3800X Hardware to get that lightning-fast performance you've always dreamed of!
All of our services are equipped with automated Anti-DDoS protection. Keeping your server online 24/7 is our highest priority.
We use the highest single-core performance CPUs such as Intel i7-6700K/7700K or Intel i7-9700K while being completely wallet-friendly.
We utilize SSD or NVMe Drives on all of our Minecraft Servers. Unmetered SSD Storage, increase your storage at any time for free!
99.95% UPTIME
We provide 99.95% uptime on all of our nodes, if any downtime may occur, everybody effected will be compensated accordingly.
Offering the best customer satisfaction! Got a problem installing a plugin or a jar file? We would offer to help free of charge!
The days of paying for addons are over! Get your unmetered MySQL Databases all for free!
Stop paying for addons, get more as a standard.
Get your own free dedicated IP (25565) address on plans with 6GB and over.
Get your free unlimited cPanel Web Hosting plans with 6GB plus.
We will be more happy to move your server from your old hosting provider for free!
Start with 70GB SSD and increase your server's SSD space at no extra cost!
No more the hair pullin, Got a plugin causing issues on your server? No worries, we will try to help as much as possible!
Having lag issues or plugins causing you tons of headaches? Not a problem! We will assist you in every way possible because no server owner should experience that or pay for that addon!
Click on a white highlighted location to find out more such as latency/ping & hardware specs.